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Top Best Majors at UCLA: What is UCLA Known For?

The time spent at the college is undeniably a time for self-discovery. To make this time memorable and spent right, it is equally important to choose your college major carefully. Because choosing a major is culmination of your personal interest, academic strength and your future goals.

University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA) is such a place where you can find such a program/ major which reflects the best version of yourself. There are a number of majors offered at UCLA so once you dig in, you can truly find what you’re good at. UCLA provides a unique experience of exploring new subjects in almost every field and ample opportunities of research activities during your stay at the college.

This article compiles the top majors offered at UCLA. So, without further ado, let’s help you in finding your desired major at UCLA.

Things to keep in mind while choosing a Major

Before you finalise your field of study which will eventually determine your professional pathway, there are some important aspects which should be kept in mind while choosing a major.

Availability of Jobs in that field

The foremost thing to remember is the job market of a certain major. People usually tend to select a major which is in high demand and where jobs are easily available. That is why engineering and business are chosen by majority of people.

Ranking of the College/University

The ranking of the school also matters a lot because some college/universities are famous for specific majors which makes them the top priority of students. If you enrolled in a university famous for a specific major, it also helps you in the professional life.

Salary prospects in a Major

Money is a major but not the only factor while choosing a major. Normally, students try to get into a profession which pays well too besides other factors.

Skills to be learned

Every major teaches a different set of skills. Some majors teach marketing skills while others teach more practical skills. You should be clear in your mind what kind of skills you want to learn before selecting a major.

Once you have made up your mind about which pathway you want to adopt as a major, it is time to list Top Majors at UCLA. The list is as follows.

Business Administration

Business administration is one of the top major at UCLA. Business degrees are not only popular at UCLA but all around the world. A major in Business administration not only helps you in landing a well-paid job but you can also become an entrepreneur and start your own business. A business degree helps students in acquiring particular marketing skills and principals about Business strategies and management.

The basic aim of this degree is to teach students how to organize and control the operations in any firm or organization. Courses taught in this major include Accounting, Finance, Business management theory, Human Resource, Marketing and many more. At UCLA, if you choose Business Administration as your major, it gives you ample opportunities to learn different business strategies and modules. You can choose your area of specialization according to your own liking.

Main areas for specialization include Marketing, Finance, Human Resource, Accounting, Management. Jobs in this major are well paid as well. Common jobs with Business major include Human Resource manager, Accountant, Financial Analyst, Marketing Manager etc.


Engineering is also one of the most sought out degree in the world and specially at UCLA. It is also one of the best majors offered at UCLA. Engineering is a very vast field and students have a lot of options to choose from. Many engineering degrees are quite common like Civil engineering, electrical engineering etc. At UCLA, students can choose from a variety of options. Engineers are the building blocks in almost every field so there is always a high demand of engineering graduates.

The Samueli School of Engineering at UCLA offers a variety of engineering programs for students. The best major at UCLA as far as engineering is concerned is the Electrical engineering which deals with the operations of electrical setups like motors, power grids etc.

Civil Engineering is related to buildings and infrastructures like making roads, building dams and bridges.

Computer Engineering, as the name suggests, is related to making and operating big computer systems.

Material Engineering is based on the properties and components of different materials like plastics, metal, ceramics.

Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering explores the making of different machines and planes and their designs.

Political Science

A degree in Political Science comes under the Social Sciences major and is also considered as one of the best UCLA majors. Social Scientists are as much a need of society as are the engineers. Therefore, Political Science degree offers a variety of courses and professional pathways to become a social scientist. Political Science deals with the society from the lens of politics.

Political science deals with the study of political institutions and their working in the government. So, a degree of Political science can help you land a job in government sector as well as private institutions. General courses in this degree include political theory, comparative politics, Political Philosophy, Research Methodology, Foreign Policy etc.

At UCLA, a degree in Political Science lets you explore different areas which include American Studies, International Relations, Comparative Politics, Political Theory, Public Policy and Governance.

Political Science major is a very interesting field for people who are interested in the working of Government and Political Institutions. Higher studies in this major brighten your career prospects and you can work at any governmental level to United Nations as well.4


The field of economics is considered an important subject in today’s world. Luckily, Economics is one of the UCLA top 5 majors. A major in Economics helps students to understand how different resources are used to produce goods and services. Economics comes under the umbrella of Social Sciences and used mathematical methods to analyse and study economic trends.

Economics degree equips its students with research based skills which are used for the systemic study of allocation of resources and their application in making of goods. Economics is a very vast subject and so is its field of influence. It is also studied in a multi-disciplinary approach.

At UCLA, Economics degree is taught with concentration in fields like Microeconomics, Macroeconomics, Finance, Econometrics, Economic Theory, International Economics, Political Economy, Labour Economics, Environmental Economics etc.


The Psychology program offered at UCLA is considered one of the best options in the world. Psychology as a major is a very popular option considered by students at UCLA making it as one of the best majors at UCLA. Psychology is a social science which studies and deals with the human behaviour. It uses scientific methods to analyse the mental state and behaviour which shape around that.

The field of Psychology is becoming very popular as the time passes because there is a growing awareness about mental health issues. Which is why students mainly opting for Psychology as their major. Students can expand their studies in various fields like Clinical Psychology, Psychobiology etc.

The Psychology department at UCLA helps students in gaining practical knowledge in the field of Psychology by allowing them to study human behaviour on various levels. In addition to the theoretical knowledge, UCLA also offers a wide variety of research programs which enrich their learning experience with hands-on research.

At UCLA, Psychology as a major can be studied in following fields; Clinical Psychology, Social Psychology, Cognitive Psychology, Developmental Psychology, Personality Psychology.


Sociology is an interactive social science which deals with social interactions and relationships. Most people do not have enough knowledge about this major which often leaves them wondering whether it should be opted or not. But, a major in Sociology can open new horizons for a person as this field is inter-linked with many sub-fields.

Sociology degree mainly comprises of courses like Social Theory, Research Methodology, Social Organizations, Family structures, Social Change etc.

At UCLA, sociology degree can be studied in fields like Gender Studies, Criminology, Ethnic Studies, Medical Sociology, Educational Sociology.

Biological Science

Biology, as the name suggests, is the study of human body and its structures. It is a medical field and one of the top majors at UCLA. Biology is a traditional medical field and not all who study biology go on to become doctors. Now, with a more inter-disciplinary approach, biologists have more opportunities to explore in other fields as well.

Biology as a major is more a practical field than theoretical. Students are equipped with hands-on experience of the human body during their course of study. The Department of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology at UCLA offers students multi-dimensional courses for career in biotechnology, health sciences etc.

A degree in Biology covers most of the life sciences branches including Human Biology, Microbiology, Biotechnology, Ecology.

Computer Science

In this age of technology, Computer Science is an ever green field. Without a doubt, Computers are part and parcel of every aspect of human lives nowadays. Therefore, due to their usefulness, their studies have become of paramount importance. Entire IT hubs have been created across the world based on the works of Computer Science. It would be a mistake to not term Computer Science as one of the top majors at UCLA.

From being a software engineer to a web developer or a web designer, what job one cannot do with a Computer Science degree. This field has endless opportunities making it one of the foremost choice of the students.

As far as UCLA is concerned, a Computer Science degree can be lead to specialization in Software engineering, Data Science, Artificial Intelligence, Web Development, Graphic Designing, Cyber Security etc.


Anthropology is a quite interesting and curious field of study. It is a study of how human have lived to be and combines work of multiple fields to study human behaviour across time. It revolves around studying human species in relevance to cultures, society, linguistics etc.

The Anthropology department at UCLA is ranked among the top 10 departments of the whole country making it a top major at UCLA. The department offers a multi-disciplinary approach of studies to its students. Students are encouraged to focus their studies around fundamental questions of anthropology on topics such as human development, social complexities, historical records, evolutionary processes.

At UCLA, a major in Anthropology is taught along with Archaeology, Biological Anthropology, Sociocultural Anthropology, Linguistic Anthropology.

English Literature

The English Literature Department at UCLA is widely regarded as one of the best in the country owing to its commitment to excellent teaching and innovative research. The department is known for maintaining traditional discourse on studies while also applying modern research techniques in order to expand the scope of literary studies.

The field of literature might seem obsolete to some but it is such a field which encourages its students to develop critical thinking on literary lines which not only makes them good readers and writers but foster their intellectual strength.

At UCLA, a degree in English Literature is taught along with American Literature and Culture, American Literary History, Anglophone Literary History.


With so many excellent choices available at UCLA, it would be certainly hard to pick one. However, this article has explained in detail the top majors at UCLA and hopefully students will feel much comfortable while choosing their major.

Also, keep in mind the necessary points which should be remembered while picking a major. You do not have to pick a major just because it sounds great and all others are choosing it.

Keep a note of your interests and strengths and the career path which you will enjoy in the longer run.

Wish you the best of luck in choosing your major!

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